Join our co-op.

DBT of KC is currently looking for more clinicians to join our consultation group!

How to Join Our Consultation Co-Op

We are so excited you’re interested in joining us! If you would like to discuss becoming a member of DBT of KC, we will start by having you meet with the consultation team. Though it’s not a formal interview process, we invite you to discuss your experience with DBT, your interest and your approach to therapy to make sure we are a good match! Please email us at

FAQs for Joining DBT of KC

Do we do ALL of it?

Yes. Our expectation is that if you are joining us at DBT of KC, that you are participating in the full model as well. We want to offer our clients the evidence-based treatment as it was created and the way we know it works. As such, all clinicians will be expected to attend all consultation groups, practice fidelity to the model in their individual sessions utilizing diary cards, behavior chain analysis, and all methods outlined in the protocol, using coaching calls with clients, and co-facilitating skills groups.

What takes place in the consultation group?

We hold consultation in the way that makes sense to us, and we utilize the time we have to maximize the support and structure of the model. Starting with a mindfulness activity, moving to diary card review, agreements, repairs, attendance, consultation, education or training, and of course gratitude.

Do I have to have my office at DBT of KC?

No. We will utilize our office spaces as the main hub for DBT of KC, and all Skills Groups will be held at our location. However, you will be able to practice using your own LLC, your own office space and your individual sessions can be conducted at any location you wish.

Is DBT of KC a group practice?

No. We are a co-op. Meaning we are a consultation team with a hub for practicing the DBT model and offering true DBT Skills groups with fidelity to the model. However, you operate your own business, you bill your own clients and you manage your own caseload. We work as a team but we will have no ownership in your caseload.

Are there financial obligations?

If you join our team, we will have a pro-rated amount due to the Co-Op fund for facility fees during the times you facilitate group. You will be responsible for purchasing your own business cards, email domain and account for the EMR system i.e.

Do I have to commit full time?

No. As long as you are committed to taking on at least 3 individual DBT clients at one time, you are welcome to continue practicing with your other clients at your individual practice as you see fit. We ask for commitment to all consultation group meetings, and a desire to co-facilitate groups.